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Brother Joseph Wencis Enters the Novitiate
On Thursday March 20, Mr. Nicholas Wencis was received into the…

Changes to the Monastic Prayer Schedule
We wish to inform you of a change to our monastic prayer schedule.

The Abbatial Blessing of Abbot Isaac Murphy, O.S.B.
It was a joyous day on Friday, September 27, 2024, as the Saint Anselm Abbey…

Father Celestine Hettrick, O.S.B. Ordained to the Priesthood
The Reverend Father Celestine Benjamen Hettrick, O.S.B., a member of…
Brother Isaac Murphy, O.S.B. Elected Sixth Abbot of Saint Anselm Abbey
Brother Isaac Murphy, O.S.B., has been elected the sixth abbot of…

Abbatial Election to Resume
We are pleased to announce that we have received a response to our inquiry…