Abbot Isaac and VIPs

It was a joyous day on Friday, September 27, 2024, as the Saint Anselm Abbey and College communities gathered to celebrate the blessing of the sixth abbot of Saint Anselm Abbey, Isaac Shannon Murphy, O.S.B. The Most Reverend Peter Anthony Libasci, D.D., Bishop of Manchester, N.H, conferred the abbatial blessing.

The blessing of an abbot is a rare, though not unique, event in the life of a monastery and the local church. The blessing of Abbot Isaac, only the sixth in the history of Saint Anselm Abbey, carries with it a profound historical significance, with the previous blessings occurring in 1927, 1963, 1972, 1986, and 2012. Abbot Isaac’s election on April 30 by the monastic chapter and its subsequent confirmation by the Holy See on June 17 marks a significant chapter in our history. He is currently the only non-ordained Benedictine abbot in the world. By virtue of his office, he is also the Chancellor of Saint Anselm College and Chair of the Members of the Saint Anselm College Corporation. Read about Abbot Isaac’s election.

The ritual for the blessing of the abbot does not confer any new authority upon him. Rather, it is an opportunity for the monastic community and its new abbot to gather with the diocesan bishop, who is the head of the local church, and the faithful of the wider community and pray for God's blessing.

On behalf of the monastic community, Father Augustine Kelly, O.S.B., Prior of Saint Anselm Abbey, presented the abbot-elect to the bishop and asked him to impart the abbatial blessing. Bishop Libasci then instructed Abbot Isaac and the monastic community, saying in part, “Today, Brother Isaac, the Lord has called you, your brothers have called you, the Church universal has approved this call. As you take up this ministry and responsibility, be that faithful and prudent servant.” Then, after the Litany of the Saints, Bishop Libasci imparted the abbatial blessing.

After the blessing, Abbot Isaac received a copy of the Rule of Saint Benedict, a ring, a miter, and a crozier. The Rule and crozier are the most ancient signs of the abbot's authority, but the Church has for centuries permitted abbots to use the pontifical insignia of a ring and a miter. Even though Abbot Isaac is not an ordained priest, he was allowed to receive the pontifical insignia because of his office. Abbot Isaac’s crozier was handcrafted by our confrere Father Martin Mager, O.S.B. Abbot Isaac then received the kiss of peace from the bishop, the abbots present, and members of the monastic community.

Music for the liturgy was provided by a combination of members and alumni of the Saint Anselm College Choir, the Saint Joseph Cathedral Choir, the Diocese of Manchester Festival Choir, and the Diocesan Brass and Timpani Ensemble, all under the direction of Dr. Eric Bermani, Saint Anselm College Director of Liturgical Music and Campus Minister and Diocesan and Cathedral Director of Music.

Abbot Isaac and the monks of Saint Anselm Abbey sincerely appreciate the prayers and support of our families, friends, students, faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni. Your unwavering support has been a source of strength and encouragement. We humbly request your continued prayers for our monastery and apostolates. 

Watch the Abbatial Blessing Livestream

The Abbatial Blessing of Abbot Isaac Murphy, O.S.B.